Your money should be making money. Investing is a tool for building wealth, but it is not only for the wealthy.
Join us for our second signature event of the year, Investing 101 to learn about :
- Different Asset Classes
- Investing Analysis
- Investing Strategy
- Best Sources for Getting Started
We are also privileged to announce that Red Bull will be teaming up with us again for the event!
WHEN: November 7th | 6:30PM
WHERE: HA 492 (Sauder 4th Floor)
DRESS: Business Casual
*To purchase membership online and skip the line at our event, please do so via the showpass link in about.
*Alternatively you can purchase membership (which includes access to all of our events and seminars) at the door
The UBC Trading Group encourages all ages and all levels of trading experience to come out and learn more with us!